Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy 57th Anniversary Mom and Dad

They got married at ages 20 & 17. Wow, that is young, but it lasted, so it must have been right.
Here they are in 2008
Here they are with their 2 grandchildren.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New orange belt

Needed to upload a family photo. The latest was at Christmas

Sunday, January 20, 2008

fun weekend

I had my red hat group meeting this week, and we went to the Olive Garden. What a great group of ladies. (I'm the second from the left, right next to my Mom on my left)

Well, DD is a fun loving girl, as always. She was wearing my red hat and dancing around. I got a couple of photos. She is so much fun.

We went to the Magic Time Machine for lunch this weekend, and DD had to have her face painted. So, she got a star. Our little star is such fun to be around. Ace Ventura was our waiter. DD couldn't understand why he was wearing a tutu. LOL